The very first FLIGHT SIM was on the Commodore 64 and it was very basic. One had to type the commands but always landed in the corn field. The first decent flight sim was from SUB LOGIC and using two joysticks one can control take off and land with gauges in proper order. When the first MSOFT Flight appeared for the PC tings started to progress. It was easy to copy these games and soon the protection got better but still we managed to copy it.
Started off MS Flight Sim 2004 (a Century of Flight) and all in between till MS Flight X. I also bought Xplane 6 and found it very nice and also tried P3D, same as FS X but but a few changes. I am now on MSFS 2020 with all the latest and large updates, but still prefer Xplane, now V 11.55. MSFS graphics are the best but it lack playability where Xplane is getting better and performance is much more realistic. Waiting for the Xplane release 12??
Computer specs : Motherboard Gigabyte B365M, 1 x WD 1tb M2 SSD, i5 9500 CPU, Radeon RX570 display card, Windows 10 – 64bit (latest edition), 2 x 40″ Full HD monitors, Logitech Extreme Pro joystick and Saitec yoke, pedals and throttle. 650w PSU and 3 Hard drives total capacity 7tb. 1 x tb WD USB3 backup drive.
I will upgrade soon to the i7 11400 CPU, but for price to drop, or rather save for a display card update ??